MySQL’s DATE_FORMAT: A Guide to Date Formatting

If you’re delving into MySQL, you’ll quickly find that dates play a crucial role in your data. Fortunately, MySQL provides a powerful function called DATE_FORMAT to help you display dates in various formats. In this blog, we’ll break down DATE_FORMAT, showing you how to use it effectively for your MySQL database.

The Importance of Date Formatting

When you work with databases, especially in applications, it’s essential to present dates in a human-readable format. MySQL stores dates in a specific format, often referred to as a timestamp, which is not very friendly to the human eye. To make your application more user-friendly, you’ll want to format dates to look like “January 1, 2023” or “2023-01-01” or any other desired format.


MySQL’s DATE_FORMAT is a handy function that allows you to transform date and time values into a variety of formats. It takes a date or time value and a format string as arguments and returns the formatted date as a string. This function is often used in SQL queries when selecting date values from a table.

Here’s the basic syntax:

DATE_FORMAT(date, format);
  • date: This is the date or date and time value you want to format.
  • format: This is a string that specifies the desired format. It can contain various format specifiers for different parts of the date (e.g., %Y for the year, %m for the month, %d for the day).

Common Format Specifiers

DATE_FORMAT uses a set of format specifiers to define how you want to format your date. Here are some commonly used specifiers:

  • %Y: 4-digit year (e.g., 2023).
  • %y: 2-digit year (e.g., 23).
  • %m: Month with a leading zero (01-12).
  • %c: Month without a leading zero (1-12).
  • %d: Day of the month with a leading zero (01-31).
  • %e: Day of the month without a leading zero (1-31).
  • %H: Hour (00-23).
  • %h: Hour (01-12).
  • %i: Minutes (00-59).
  • %s: Seconds (00-59).
  • %p: AM or PM (for 12-hour format).

Examples of DATE_FORMAT

Let’s dive into some examples to see DATE_FORMAT in action:

Example 1: Changing Date Format

Suppose you have a date in the orders table like this: 2023-08-05.

You can use DATE_FORMAT to change it to August 5, 2023:

SELECT DATE_FORMAT(order_date, '%M %e, %Y') FROM orders;

Example 2: Extracting Year and Month

You might want to extract only the year and month from a date:

SELECT DATE_FORMAT(date_created, '%Y-%m') AS year_month FROM records;

This query will return results like 2023-08.

Example 3: Displaying the Day of the Week

You can use DATE_FORMAT to show the day of the week for a specific date:

SELECT DATE_FORMAT(sale_date, '%W') AS day_of_week FROM sales;

This query will return days like Saturday, Tuesday, and so on.

Wrapping It Up

MySQL’s DATE_FORMAT function is an excellent tool for formatting dates and times in a way that suits your application or reporting needs. It allows you to transform the raw date values stored in your database into user-friendly, readable formats. Whether you want to display dates with or without leading zeros, change the order of year, month, and day, or include the day of the week, DATE_FORMAT has you covered. So go ahead and make your MySQL database’s date values shine in the format you desire!

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