AJIO SDE – 2 Interview Experience

Recently I gave an Interview with Reliance AJIO organization, it is a product-based organization that has both B2B and B2C modules so you can get experience on both sides.

Round I – (Data Structure and Algorithm round)

In this round, the interviewer asked about the projects that I have worked on my current job.

Then the interviewer asked following questions.

  1. https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/given-a-linked-list-which-is-sorted-how-will-you-insert-in-sorted-way/
  2. https://leetcode.com/problems/rotate-list/

Tips: A good understanding of basic data structure especially linked list and practice of the same will helped you to clear this round. 

Round 2 – (LLD and DSA)

In this round the interviewer asked me about the low level design that I have done on my current project. In my project I have implemented design patterns like Strategy, Chain of Responsibility and other generic patterns like Factory, Singleton etc so we discussed this in great detail.

Then the interview asked this problem

  1. https://leetcode.com/problems/construct-binary-tree-from-preorder-and-inorder-traversal/

But twisted, I have to create the tree but the order that is given to me was preorder and postorder. Been out of practice in DSA I forgot what is preorder and postorder. I failed to solve the problem completely but cleared the round

Tips: A good understanding of Design patterns and Tree DSA will helped you to crack this round

Round 3 – (System Design and Managerial) – Final Round

In this round, we discussed the HLD of the projects that I worked on got grilled on microservice architecture and drawback discussion, event based system, gateways, lambda, request tracking, authentication and DB design.

Then the interviewer asked following question.


Was able to answer with O(N^2) complexity. 

Then we had a discussion on following scenarios.

  1. If a project is getting delay, what actions I’ll take
  2. If a colleague is not performing at its best, what action I’ll take

Tips: Good understanding of the system (High Level) that you are working on, problem solving skill to solve that problem and preparation on scenario questions, would have helped you to clear this round.

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