
1695. Maximum Erasure Value

Understanding the Problem Given an array of integers nums, our task is to find the maximum sum of a contiguous subarray containing only unique elements. Approach We can solve this problem using a sliding window approach. We’ll maintain two pointers, start and end, to define the current subarray. Additionally, we’ll use a HashSet to keep…


49. Group Anagrams

Understanding the Problem Given an array of strings strs, our task is to group the strings that are anagrams of each other together and return them as a list of lists. Approach To efficiently group anagrams, we can leverage the properties of anagrams. Two strings are anagrams of each other if they have the same…


387. First Unique Character in a String

The First Unique Character in a String problem is a common algorithmic challenge where the goal is to find the index of the first non-repeating character in a given string. In this blog, we will explore the problem, understand the solution, and discuss the implementation details. Problem Statement Given a string s, we are required…


76. Minimum Window Substring

The Minimum Window Substring problem is a classic problem in string manipulation and is frequently encountered in coding interviews and real-world applications. In this blog, we’ll explore the problem, understand its solution, and discuss the implementation details. Problem Statement Given two strings s and t, we are tasked with finding the minimum window substring of…


1291. Sequential Digits

Sequential digits are numerical sequences where each digit in a number is incremented by one compared to its predecessor. For example, 123, 234, and 345 are sequential digits because each subsequent number follows a pattern of increasing by one. These sequences are not only intriguing but also have practical applications in mathematics, computer science, and…


739. Daily Temperatures

In the realm of algorithmic problem-solving, certain patterns and techniques emerge as powerful tools for tackling a variety of challenges. One such technique involves the clever use of stacks to efficiently solve problems that require finding the next greater element or value in an array. In this blog, we’ll explore how to leverage the stack…


1657. Determine if Two Strings Are Close

String closeness, in the context of this problem, involves evaluating whether two words can be considered “close” by meeting certain criteria. The criteria include having the same set of characters and the same frequency distribution of those characters. The closeStrings method endeavors to address this challenge. Unpacking the Solution Basic Check: The basicCheck method ensures…


237. Delete Node in a Linked List

The Singly-Linked List Conundrum Before delving into the intricacies of the Java solution, let’s understand the problem at hand. In a singly-linked list, each node contains a value and a reference to the next node in the sequence. The task is to delete a given node without access to the head of the linked list….