Micronaut HTTP Request Interceptors: A Comprehensive Guide

Micronaut is a modern, fast, and lightweight framework for building microservices and other JVM applications. One of the feature this framework provide is how easily we can intercept the http request and run your own custom logics to enhance your application.

What are HTTP Request Interceptors in Micronaut?

HTTP request interceptors in Micronaut are a mechanism for intercepting incoming HTTP requests and processing them before they reach the target endpoint. This allows you to add additional functionality to your application, such as logging, authentication, or rate limiting.


Implementing a Micronaut HTTP request interceptor is simple. You need to create a class that implements the io.micronaut.http.filter.HttpServerFilter interface and add the @Filter annotation to the class. Then, you can use the execute method to perform any necessary processing on the incoming request before it reaches its target endpoint.

Here, the @Filter annotation indicates that this class should be used as an HTTP request interceptor for all requests. The doFilter method logs the incoming request information and then proceeds to the next step in the filter chain by calling chain.proceed(request).

Read Also: Harnessing the Power of HTTP Client Interceptors in Micronaut

Reference Book: Building Microservices with Micronaut


HTTP request interceptors in Micronaut offer a powerful way to enhance the functionality of your applications. By intercepting incoming HTTP requests, you can perform additional processing, such as logging, authentication, or rate limiting, without having to modify your endpoint code

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