Resolving “Can’t Find a Codec for Class” Error in Micronaut


In the realm of Micronaut applications, encountering the “Internal Server Error: Can’t find a codec for class” message can be a frustrating experience. This error typically occurs when Micronaut attempts to serialize or deserialize an object but cannot find a suitable codec for the specified class. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the root cause of this issue and explore how to resolve it effectively.

Understanding the Issue:

When working with Micronaut, it’s crucial to ensure that all classes you use are properly configured for serialization and deserialization. If Micronaut encounters a class for which it doesn’t have a corresponding codec (serializer/deserializer), it will throw the “Can’t find a codec for class” error. This commonly occurs with custom classes or third-party library classes that Micronaut is not aware of by default.

Solution 1: @ReflectiveAccess

Annotation One way to resolve this issue is by using the @ReflectiveAccess annotation. By annotating the problematic class (e.g., example.micronaut.Fruit) with @ReflectiveAccess, you explicitly grant Micronaut reflective access to the class. This allows Micronaut to introspect the class and generate the necessary codec dynamically at runtime. Here’s how you can use the annotation:

import io.micronaut.core.annotation.ReflectiveAccess;

public class Fruit {
    // Class implementation

By adding @ReflectiveAccess to the Fruit class, you inform Micronaut that it should be able to serialize and deserialize instances of this class without encountering codec-related errors.

Solution 2: Micronaut Data MongoDB

Alternatively, if you’re working with MongoDB and encountering serialization issues, you can leverage Micronaut Data MongoDB. Micronaut Data MongoDB provides built-in support for MongoDB repositories and entities, eliminating the need for reflective access. You can seamlessly integrate MongoDB functionality into your Micronaut applications without worrying about codec errors. Refer to the Micronaut Data MongoDB documentation for detailed usage instructions.


Encountering the “Can’t find a codec for class” error in Micronaut can be a stumbling block in your application development journey. However, by following the solutions outlined in this blog post, you can effectively resolve this issue and ensure smooth serialization and deserialization of objects in your Micronaut applications. Whether it’s using @ReflectiveAccess for custom classes or leveraging Micronaut Data MongoDB for MongoDB integration, you have the tools at your disposal to overcome codec-related challenges and build robust Micronaut applications.

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