Await vs Future in scala and why one should avoid using await

Scala, a versatile programming language, offers concurrency and parallelism capabilities through its Future and Await constructs. While Await can simplify concurrent programming, it can also lead to performance bottlenecks and other issues. In this guide, we’ll explore Await and Future in Scala, and why it’s often best to avoid using Await.


Future is a fundamental concept in Scala for managing concurrent and asynchronous operations. A Future represents a value that may not be available yet but will be at some point. It allows you to execute code concurrently, obtaining the result when it’s ready.


Await is another construct in Scala, which is used to block the current thread until a Future completes and returns a result. It allows you to write sequential-looking code in an asynchronous environment. However, it’s important to understand its potential downsides.

Why Avoid Using Await

While Await might seem like a convenient way to wait for Future results, it’s generally best to avoid it for several reasons:

a. Blocking: When you use Await, you’re blocking the current thread until the Future completes. If your application relies on many threads waiting for Futures, it can lead to inefficiency and resource wastage.

b. Reduced Concurrency: Blocking with Await prevents other parts of your program from running concurrently. It’s counterproductive in scenarios where you want to leverage parallelism for better performance.

c. Deadlocks: Using Await inappropriately can lead to deadlocks when threads block while waiting for each other.

d. Scalability Issues: For highly concurrent systems, using Await can negatively impact scalability, making your application less efficient and responsive under high loads.

e. Complex Error Handling: Handling exceptions in code that uses Await can be tricky, especially when composing multiple Futures and error conditions.

Alternative Approaches

To avoid using Await, consider these alternative approaches:

1. Use Combinators: Combine Future operations using map, flatMap, and for comprehensions to create non-blocking, concurrent code. This allows you to compose asynchronous operations effectively.

2. Embrace Callbacks: Instead of blocking with Await, work with callbacks by using onComplete or onSuccess. This promotes non-blocking execution and helps with error handling.

3. Employ Asynchronous Programming Libraries: Libraries like Cats Effect, Monix, and ZIO offer more sophisticated ways to manage asynchronous and concurrent operations without blocking.

4. Consider Akka: If you’re working on a highly concurrent and distributed application, Akka actors and streams provide powerful abstractions for handling asynchronous tasks.

5. Conclusion

While Await can be a useful construct in Scala, it’s essential to understand its drawbacks. To write efficient, concurrent, and responsive Scala applications, strive to minimize your usage of Await. Instead, embrace non-blocking techniques, combinator methods, and libraries designed to manage asynchronous operations effectively. This will help you build robust, scalable, and responsive systems that leverage Scala’s strengths in concurrent and parallel programming.

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