
Solving couldn’t get current server API group list

In Kubernetes, administrators and developers may encounter various errors during cluster management and application deployment. One common error is “Couldn’t Get Current Server API Group List,” which can occur when interacting with the Kubernetes API server. This error can disrupt operations and hinder troubleshooting efforts, but understanding its causes and solutions is crucial for maintaining…


Zero Trust in Cyber Security

Cyber Security Invloves securing multiple aspect of business which includes application, data, network and physical devices. Today we will explore the Network part of Cyber security and will discuss Zero Trust Principle in great detail. What is Cyber Security? Cybersecurity involves protecting computer systems, networks, and data from unauthorised access and cyber attacks.In today’s digital…


Resetting Kafka Consumer Offset in Kafka Connectors

Kafka Connectors are a crucial component in building scalable and fault-tolerant data pipelines. However, there are situations where you may need to reset the consumer offset, whether due to unexpected issues, changes in data schema, or other operational requirements. In this blog post, we will delve into the various aspects of resetting Kafka consumer offsets…


Understanding MySQL Binary Logs

In the vast landscape of database management, MySQL’s binary log emerges as a silent guardian, recording the ebbs and flows of data modifications within the server. This indispensable component plays a pivotal role in tasks ranging from data replication to point-in-time recovery. In this exploration, we embark on a journey into the intricacies of MySQL…


A Guide to Linux Help Commands

Linux, with its powerful command-line interface, empowers users with a myriad of tools and utilities. Understanding how to navigate this vast ecosystem is crucial for efficient and effective system management. In this blog, we will explore key commands that provide invaluable help and documentation, namely whatis, man, –help, and apropos. 1. whatis – Unveiling the…


What these $ and # symbol means in command line

The Linux terminal, with its command-line interface, is a powerful tool that offers users unparalleled control over their systems. As you navigate the terminal, you’ll encounter a variety of symbols in the prompt, each conveying important information about your current environment and permissions. In this blog, we’ll delve into the significance of these symbols and…


How to Write custom annotation in Micronaut

Introduction: Micronaut, with its lightweight and reactive architecture, has become a popular choice for building microservices. While the framework offers a plethora of built-in annotations, there may be scenarios where you want to tailor the behavior of your application with custom annotations. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the exciting realm of crafting custom…


Enabling Metrics in Micronaut: A Comprehensive Guide

Why Metrics Matter in Micronaut Metrics play a crucial role in monitoring the health, performance, and resource utilization of microservices. In a Micronaut application, metrics provide valuable information such as: Resource Utilization: Understand how your application consumes resources like CPU, memory, and threads. HTTP Request Metrics: Monitor the incoming HTTP requests, response times, and error…


How to solve “Running scripts is disabled on this system” in Windows

In the realm of Windows environments, encountering the dreaded “Running scripts is disabled on this system” message can be perplexing and frustrating. This restriction often poses a hurdle when attempting to execute scripts, especially in PowerShell. Fear not, for this blog will guide you through simple yet effective solutions to overcome this obstacle. Solution 1:…