
Functions in Ruby that make life easy.

I have been using ROR for the last eight months and started loving this language because of the poetic way it allows me to write the code. In this journey, I have found some functions which helped me to keep the code short and improved readability significantly. 1. blank? and present? A common use case…


Writing Monkey Patches in Ruby

Introduction: Ruby is known for its flexibility and openness, allowing developers to customize and extend the language’s core functionality. One powerful way to do this is by using monkey patches. Monkey patching enables you to modify or add new behavior to existing Ruby classes or modules without changing their original source code. In this blog,…


Adding Caching Helper in Rails

When a particular API processing slow or performing a heavy calculation or have heavy DB queries. One of the solution to optimize the API that comes to our mind is to cache the response for appropriate amount of time. This will help us to improve the performance by overcoming the mentioned issues. It is also…


How Data is stored in Relational Database

It’s important to understand how database stores data internally, understanding this allows us to understand why a query runs fast or slow. Before diving in, let’s clear out some computer fundamentals, all the data on a computer is stored as streams of 1s and 0s as blocks/pages on the drive, Databases use these blocks and…
