
451. Sort Characters By Frequency

Understanding the Problem: Given a string, our goal is to sort its characters based on their frequency. For example, for the input “tree,” the output should be “eert” or “eetr,” as both have the same characters but with different arrangements based on frequency. Approach: To tackle this problem, we’ll employ a HashMap to store each…


387. First Unique Character in a String

The First Unique Character in a String problem is a common algorithmic challenge where the goal is to find the index of the first non-repeating character in a given string. In this blog, we will explore the problem, understand the solution, and discuss the implementation details. Problem Statement Given a string s, we are required…


1704. Determine if String Halves Are Alike

Problem: Breaking Down the Solution Converting String to Char Array: The input string s is converted into a character array a. This facilitates easy traversal and access to individual characters. Initialization and Set of Vowels: A HashSet vowels is created to store the vowels that need to be checked. The size of the array…


1814. Count Nice Pairs in an Array

Introduction: The problem involves identifying pairs of indices in an array that satisfy certain conditions, with a specific mathematical operation. This blog will discuss the problem, the provided solution, and break down the code for a better understanding. Problem Overview: The goal is to find the count of such nice pairs of indices. Due to…