The Right Way to Bootstrap in Micronaut

Bootstrapping is a critical phase in the lifecycle of any application. It’s the process where your application initializes and prepares itself for execution. In the context of Micronaut, a modern and lightweight Java framework, getting the bootstrap process right is essential for a smooth and efficient application. In this blog, we’ll explore the right way to bootstrap your Micronaut application, ensuring it starts up seamlessly and performs the necessary actions.

The Importance of Bootstrapping

During the bootstrap phase, your Micronaut application performs several crucial tasks:

  1. Initialization: Setting up the application context, loading configurations, and preparing dependencies.
  2. Configuration Loading: Reading configuration properties from files, environment variables, or other sources.
  3. Dependency Injection: Creating and managing instances of beans and services.
  4. Event Listening: Subscribing to application events and executing code based on those events.
  5. Logging and Monitoring: Configuring loggers, metrics, and monitoring tools.

Getting these steps right ensures that your application starts efficiently and is ready to handle requests or perform its intended tasks.

Using @EventListener

package com.example.common

import io.micronaut.runtime.event.annotation.EventListener
import io.micronaut.runtime.server.event.ServerStartupEvent
import jakarta.inject.Singleton
import org.slf4j.Logger
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory

class Bootstrap {

    val log: Logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger("Bootstrap")
    fun onStartupEvent(event: ServerStartupEvent) {"This Event got trigger during Startup")

Here, MyStartupListener is a singleton bean, and the @EventListener annotation on the onServerStartup method tells Micronaut to execute this method when the ServerStartupEvent is fired.

What Can You Do during Startup?

The possibilities during the startup phase of your Micronaut application are virtually endless. Here are some common tasks you might perform:

1. Configuration Loading

Load and parse configuration files, such as application.yml or, to configure your application settings. Use Micronaut’s powerful configuration management to access properties and settings throughout your application.

2. Dependency Injection

Leverage Micronaut’s dependency injection framework to manage your application’s components and services. You can initialize singletons, request-scoped beans, and other dependencies during startup.

3. Logging and Monitoring

Configure logging frameworks (e.g., Logback) to set up loggers, log levels, and log outputs. Integrate with monitoring and metrics tools to gather insights into your application’s performance.

4. Custom Initializations

Perform any custom initializations specific to your application, such as connecting to external services, loading cached data, or preparing resources.


Bootstrapping your Micronaut application correctly is crucial for its success. By listening for the ServiceStartedEvent and executing the necessary code during startup, you ensure that your application initializes smoothly and is ready to handle requests or perform its intended tasks. Whether it’s configuring settings, managing dependencies, or customizing initializations, the right way to bootstrap in Micronaut sets the stage for a robust and efficient application.

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