
.pure[Future] vs Future.successful in Scala

In Scala, .pure[Future] and Future.successful serve similar purposes, incase you are wondering which one to use go for anyone as there is not much of a difference but they are associated with different libraries and have some differences in their usage: Cats Library (.pure[Future]): .pure is a method provided by the Cats library, which is…

Distributed System

A Simple introduction to Consensus Algorithms in Distributed System

Consensus algorithms play a crucial role in distributed systems, ensuring that multiple nodes or participants can agree on a single, consistent value or decision. They help maintain the reliability and consistency of data across a distributed network, even when some nodes might fail or become disconnected. Let’s break down consensus algorithms into simpler terms: Scenario:…


How to use Explain in MySQL for Query Optimization

When it comes to MySQL query optimization, EXPLAIN is your trusted ally. This tool provides a clear view into how MySQL executes your queries, helping you identify and rectify performance bottlenecks. In this concise guide, we’ll show you how to use EXPLAIN effectively and improve your database queries. Understanding EXPLAIN Output When you run an…


Detekt vs ktlint

Detekt and ktlint are both popular static code analysis tools for Kotlin projects. While they serve similar purposes, they have some key differences. Let’s compare them: Detekt: Functionality: Detekt is a static analysis tool that focuses on providing more comprehensive code analysis for Kotlin. It covers a wide range of issues, from style violations to…


Handy Helm Commands for Kubernetes Deployment

Helm is a powerful package manager for Kubernetes that simplifies the deployment and management of containerized applications. It allows you to define, install, and upgrade even the most complex Kubernetes applications. If you’re new to Helm or an experienced user, these handy Helm commands will make your Kubernetes deployment process smoother and more efficient. 1….


Configuring ktlint in GitHub Workflow

Code quality is a vital aspect of software development, and linting tools like ktlint can help maintain code consistency in Kotlin projects. Integrating ktlint into your GitHub workflow ensures that code style and formatting are automatically checked with every pull request. In this blog, we’ll walk you through the process of setting up ktlint in…


How to setup FactoryBot for Rails Testing

Testing is a cornerstone of robust software development, and in the realm of Ruby on Rails, FactoryBot is a powerful ally for enhancing your testing workflow. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of FactoryBot, exploring how to set it up effectively in your Rails application while optimizing your content for search engine discovery….