Managing Dependencies in Scala: Writing Dependencies.scala

Managing dependencies is a crucial aspect of any Scala project. In this blog, we’ll explore a useful technique for managing dependencies by creating a separate Scala file called Dependencies.scala. This approach enhances code readability, maintainability, and allows for better organization of your project’s dependencies.

Why Separate Dependencies?

In typical Scala projects, dependencies are declared directly in the build.sbt file. While this approach works fine for small projects, it can become cumbersome as your project grows. By separating dependencies into a dedicated Scala file, you gain several advantages:

  • Modularity: Dependencies become a modular part of your project, making it easier to manage them individually.
  • Readability: Your build.sbt file remains clean and concise, focusing on project configuration rather than a long list of dependencies.
  • Reusability: You can reuse the Dependencies.scala file across multiple projects, reducing redundancy.

Creating Dependencies.scala

In essence, dependencies in software development are represented as strings following specific patterns. These strings are interpreted by build tools to fetch the required libraries. In Scala, these dependencies are organized using the ModuleID class. To manage multiple dependencies effectively, we can create a list of ModuleID objects within the Dependency class and then utilize this list within the build.sbt configuration file.

Using Dependencies.scala in build.sbt

Now that you have defined your dependencies in Dependencies.scala, you can use them in your build.sbt file. Here’s how to do it:

// Import Dependencies object
import Dependencies._

lazy val myProject = (project in file("my-project"))
    name := "My Scala Project",
    version := "1.0",
    scalaVersion := "2.13.6",
    libraryDependencies ++= Dependencies.All

By importing the Dependencies object at the beginning of your build.sbt, you can easily reference the defined dependencies within your project settings. This approach keeps your build.sbt clean and organized.

Benefits of Using Dependencies.scala

  • Separation of Concerns: Your build configuration (build.sbt) focuses on project-specific settings, while dependencies are managed separately in Dependencies.scala.
  • Consistency: You can maintain consistent dependency versions across multiple projects by reusing the same Dependencies.scala file.
  • Ease of Updates: When you need to update a library version, you only need to modify it in one place (in Dependencies.scala).


Managing dependencies in Scala projects can be significantly improved by creating a dedicated Dependencies.scala file. This approach enhances modularity, readability, and reusability while keeping your build.sbt focused on project configuration. Consider adopting this practice in your Scala projects for better dependency management. Happy coding!

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