
Resetting Kafka Consumer Offset in Kafka Connectors

Kafka Connectors are a crucial component in building scalable and fault-tolerant data pipelines. However, there are situations where you may need to reset the consumer offset, whether due to unexpected issues, changes in data schema, or other operational requirements. In this blog post, we will delve into the various aspects of resetting Kafka consumer offsets…

Distributed System

Understanding Transactional Outbox Pattern

Introduction: Microservices have become the standard in software development, offering benefits such as scalability, rapid deployments, smaller codebases, and low coupling. However, there’s a common pitfall: the risk of unintentionally creating a distributed monolithic architecture, where the failure of one service can impact others. To address this, we need a robust communication strategy that ensures…


Integrating Apache Kafka with Micronaut: A Step-by-Step Guide

Introduction: Micronaut is a popular framework for building lightweight and efficient microservices in Java, Kotlin, and Groovy. When you need to integrate Kafka into your Micronaut application for event-driven processing, it’s essential to set up the integration correctly. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of integrating Kafka with a Micronaut application. Prerequisites:…


A Detailed Introduction to Kafka Components

Apache Kafka is a distributed streaming platform, that allows us to process streams of record in real-time. The Apache Kafka achieve this by the help of following components. Producer Kafka Cluster Brokers Topic Partitions Consumers Producer:  Apache Kafka Producers are applications that generate data and write it to one or more topics in a Kafka…