
Async, await, and Task in C#

Asynchronous programming is one of the powerful features in C#. It allows parallelism in programming which results in faster execution of a program. There are many languages that support asynchronous programming. Examples can be thread class in java, promises in Javascript, and GoRoutines in Go language. In C# to achieve this, we use 3 keywords…


“This” Keyword in Javascript

“This” keyword in javascript is a constant source of confusion. The value of this depends on where it is getting called. “This” is not a reference to the function nor a reference to the lexical scope. It is a binding that is done while calling the function. Here, the value of “this.a” depends on where…

Singleton vs Static

Singleton vs Static class

The difference between singleton class vs static classes is one of the standard questions which you may encounter in your interviews. . There are many articles around this topic, I found many differences between these two. So the obvious question that arose what is common between these two. The answer is, there is only one…

BFS daigram

Open the Lock

Problem Statement To be frank, as I read the problem I realized it is a BFS problem. Let’s see what was my thought, we have to count the number of steps to reach the final string, this denotes we have to traverse the intermediate nodes. We cannot directly jump to the final string and apply…


SSR, CSR, and Progressive Rendering

In this post, I will be covering different types of rendering. To understand rendering and its pros and cons. We must know when a user lands on a page. The page is visible when the HTML is rendered. The page becomes interactive when javascript execution is complete. Server-Side Rendering In Server Side Rendering, the HTML…


Minimum Path Sum

Problem statement Given a m x n grid filled with non-negative numbers, find a path from top left to bottom right, which minimizes the sum of all numbers along its path. Note: You can only move either down or right at any point in time. If you notice this problem, from a position we can move right or down….


N Queen Problem

Problem Statement: LeetCode May 2021 – Day 22 8 Queen problem is a standard example in the backtracking world. Whenever you start learning the backtracking paradigm this is the first problem you may encounter. So the question is how to solve this problem. For any given problem it is very rare that we directly come…


From an idea to winning a Hackathon

Last year, I did the integration of WhatsApp business account for my Organization, which enabled us as one more source to serve our users. During the requirement gathering phase, I realized to make the bot smart we need NLU, which will take a lot of time, and had 0 experience and knowledge of NLU and…