
The Right Way to Bootstrap in Micronaut

Bootstrapping is a critical phase in the lifecycle of any application. It’s the process where your application initializes and prepares itself for execution. In the context of Micronaut, a modern and lightweight Java framework, getting the bootstrap process right is essential for a smooth and efficient application. In this blog, we’ll explore the right way…


Harnessing the Power of HTTP Client Interceptors in Micronaut

In the dynamic landscape of modern web development, the ability to manage HTTP requests and responses is paramount. Imagine if you could not only manage but also enhance these interactions, injecting versatility, security, and performance optimizations effortlessly. Enter HTTP client interceptors in the world of Micronaut—a game-changing feature that takes your HTTP client capabilities to…


Configuring Http Client timeout in Micronaut

In a world where applications rely heavily on communicating with external services and APIs, managing timeouts for your HTTP requests becomes crucial. Micronaut, a modern and lightweight framework, empowers developers to seamlessly configure and control HTTP client timeouts. In this blog, we’ll explore how to configure HTTP client timeouts in Micronaut and ensure smooth interactions…


Mastering Global Exception Handling in Micronaut

In the dynamic landscape of modern software development, creating applications that are robust, resilient, and user-friendly is paramount. Exception handling stands as a critical pillar in achieving these goals, ensuring that unexpected errors and anomalies are managed gracefully. we will delve into the intricacies of Micronaut framework, exploring how to effectively handle exceptions at a…


Benefits of using Micronaut

Micronaut is a modern, JVM-based, full-stack microservices framework designed for building modular, easily testable microservice applications. It is developed by Graeme Rocher, who also know for his contribution to Grails framework. Micronaut tries to solve the drawbacks of java frameworks like spring and also provide built in support for existing development ecosystem, which includes support…


Integrating SonarQube to Micronaut Gradle Application Github Actions

SonarQube is an open-source platform for continuous code quality inspection, code analysis, and software quality management. It provides a variety of tools and features to analyze code quality and identify potential issues, such as code smells, security vulnerabilities, and bugs. With SonarQube, developers can continuously monitor the quality of their code, track metrics and trends,…


Association in Micronaut Data

Micronaut Data is a simple ORM provided by the micronaut team, Micronaut Data decouples the database structure from the application code, providing a more flexible and maintainable solution. It maps objects to database tables and defines relationships between the objects. The Micronaut Documentation doesn’t cover this in detail on how to actually use this feature,…


Integrating AWS Service Discovery in Micronaut Application

Integrating AWS Service Discovery into Micronaut can greatly improve the scalability and reliability of your microservice-based applications. AWS Service Discovery allows you to automatically register and discover services in your environment, making it easier to manage and track changes to your infrastructure. In this blog post, we’ll explore the steps required to integrate AWS Service…


Dealing with JSONB data Type in Micronaut

Introduction If you’re working with Micronaut and PostgreSQL, you’ve likely encountered the challenge of handling JSONB data types in your Micronaut entities. This blog aims to provide you with a clear solution to efficiently save and retrieve JSONB data within your Micronaut application. The JSONB Challenge As per the official documentation, you might have come…


The Best way to version flyway scripts

Flyway solves one of the critical problem that we face while deploying our applications to production that is how to deploy DB changes to production DB. If you have worked with ROR then you must know ActiveRecord do provide this feature as migration files. Flyway provide similar solutions as standalone, or as gradle plugin. As…