Configuring Http Client timeout in Micronaut

In a world where applications rely heavily on communicating with external services and APIs, managing timeouts for your HTTP requests becomes crucial. Micronaut, a modern and lightweight framework, empowers developers to seamlessly configure and control HTTP client timeouts. In this blog, we’ll explore how to configure HTTP client timeouts in Micronaut and ensure smooth interactions with external services.

Why Are HTTP Client Timeouts Important?

Imagine your application making an HTTP request to an external service. If the service takes longer than expected to respond, it could lead to bottlenecks, degraded user experiences, or even application failures. This is where setting appropriate timeouts comes into play.

The default timeout offered by the framework is 10 seconds.

Configuring Timeouts in Micronaut

Micronaut offers two straightforward approaches to configure HTTP client timeouts:

Approach 1: Configuration Properties

Micronaut allows you to configure timeouts globally using properties in the application.yml or configuration file:

      read-timeout: 30s

Approach 2: Programmatically Configuring HttpClient

If you need more control over timeouts or want to set them dynamically, you can configure the HttpClient bean programmatically:

import io.micronaut.context.annotation.Bean;
import io.micronaut.context.annotation.Factory;
import io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClient;
import io.micronaut.http.client.annotation.Client;
import java.time.Duration;

public class HttpClientFactory {

   public HttpClient httpClient(@Client("") HttpClient client) {
       return client

In this code snippet, we create a custom HttpClient bean with specific timeout values. This allows you to fine-tune timeouts for different clients based on their usage.

Benefits of Proper Timeout Management

  1. Resilience: By setting timeouts, you prevent your application from getting stuck waiting indefinitely for responses from external services.
  2. User Experience: Fast responses enhance user experience, and well-configured timeouts prevent slow external services from affecting your application’s responsiveness.
  3. Resource Management: Proper timeouts help manage resources efficiently. Hanging connections can lead to resource depletion and hinder your application’s performance.

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