
Installing Python 2 on macOS Using Pyenv

Python 2 may be considered outdated, but there are still scenarios where you need it. If you’re a macOS user, here’s a straightforward guide to help you install Python 2 using Pyenv, a powerful Python version management tool. Before we begin, ensure you have Homebrew (brew) installed, as it simplifies the process. Prerequisite: Homebrew (brew)…


Managing Dependencies in Scala: Writing Dependencies.scala

Managing dependencies is a crucial aspect of any Scala project. In this blog, we’ll explore a useful technique for managing dependencies by creating a separate Scala file called Dependencies.scala. This approach enhances code readability, maintainability, and allows for better organization of your project’s dependencies. Why Separate Dependencies? In typical Scala projects, dependencies are declared directly…


Understanding List Operators in Scala: ::: vs. ::

When working with lists in Scala, you’ll often encounter the ::: and :: operators. These operators are essential for list manipulation, but they serve different purposes. In this blog, we’ll explore these operators, their use cases, and how they impact your Scala code. ::: Operator The ::: operator is used for list concatenation. It combines…


Understanding logback.xml file

Logging is a fundamental aspect of any software application. It provides insights into an application’s behavior, facilitates debugging, and is crucial for monitoring and auditing. Logback is a popular logging framework for Java applications, and it uses a configuration file called logback.xml to control various aspects of logging. In this guide, we’ll dive deep into…


TIL: What are Alpine Images in Docker

As a seasoned Docker user, you’ve likely come across the term “Alpine” when exploring base images for your containers. Perhaps you’ve even used Alpine Linux-based images without fully grasping their significance. Today, we delve into the world of Alpine Linux images in Docker, shedding light on their unique characteristics and why they are favored by…


Configuring JAVA_OPTS in MAC OS

Configuring Java options, often referred to as JAVA_OPTS, is a common task for Java developers and system administrators. These options allow you to control various aspects of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), such as memory allocation, garbage collection behavior, and system properties. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to set JAVA_OPTS on…