
Load Balancers in AWS

This blog is a part of my journey “Embarking on the AWS Solution Architect Associate SAA-CO3 Certification Journey” Table of Content Introduction Health Checks Types of Load Balancers on AWS Classic Load Balancers (CLB) Application Load Balancer (ALB) Network Load Balancer (NLB) Gateway Load Balancer Sticky Sessions Cross Zone Load Balancing SSL – Server Name Indication…


Understanding logback.xml file

Logging is a fundamental aspect of any software application. It provides insights into an application’s behavior, facilitates debugging, and is crucial for monitoring and auditing. Logback is a popular logging framework for Java applications, and it uses a configuration file called logback.xml to control various aspects of logging. In this guide, we’ll dive deep into…


A Quick Overview of EC2 Storages

This blog is a part of my journey “Embarking on the AWS Solution Architect Associate SAA-CO3 Certification Journey” Table of Content Elastic Block Store (EBS) Key Features EBS Snapshot EBS Encryption Encrypting an Unencrypted EBS Volume EBS Volume Types EBS Multi-Attach EC2 Instance Store Amazon EFS (Elastic File System) Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides a plethora…


1235. Maximum Profit in Job Scheduling

Efficiency is key when it comes to managing multiple jobs with varying start times, end times, and profits. In such scenarios, making the right choices can lead to a significant increase in overall profit. This is where dynamic programming comes to the rescue. In this blog, we’ll explore a Java solution that optimizes job scheduling…


347. Top K Frequent Elements

Given an integer array nums and an integer k, return the k most frequent elements. You may return the answer in any order. Example 1: Input: nums = [1,1,1,2,2,3], k = 2 Output: [1,2] Example 2: Input: nums = [1], k = 1 Output: [1] Constraints: 1 <= nums.length <= 105 -104 <= nums[i] <= 104 k is in the range [1, the number…


TIL: What are Alpine Images in Docker

As a seasoned Docker user, you’ve likely come across the term “Alpine” when exploring base images for your containers. Perhaps you’ve even used Alpine Linux-based images without fully grasping their significance. Today, we delve into the world of Alpine Linux images in Docker, shedding light on their unique characteristics and why they are favored by…


Elastic IPs & ENI

This blog is a part of my journey “Embarking on the AWS Solution Architect Associate SAA-CO3 Certification Journey” Elastic IPs In the dynamic world of cloud computing, where resources can be created, modified, and deleted at a moment’s notice, having a static and reliable way to connect to your cloud-based assets is essential. Enter Elastic IPs,…


Leetcode solution 692 Top K Frequent Words

Understanding the Problem The problem statement is as follows: Given an array of words, return the k most frequent words. If there are multiple answers, return answers in their lexicographical order The Code We’ll break down the code into sections to understand how it works. Custom Data Structure: Frequency First, we define a custom class called…
