
Geolocation vs. Geoproximity Routing Policies Explained

When managing your applications and services in Amazon Web Services (AWS), you often need to route traffic to different endpoints based on users’ geographical locations. This is where routing policies like geolocation and geoproximity come into play. In this blog, we’ll demystify these two routing policies. Geolocation Routing Policy Geolocation routing is like serving different…


Machine Learning Services in AWS

This blog is a part of my journey “Embarking on the AWS Solution Architect Associate SAA-CO3 Certification Journey” AWS offers a wide range of machine learning (ML) services designed to help developers and data scientists build, train, and deploy machine learning models quickly and easily. These services cover various aspects of the machine learning lifecycle, from…


Data Transfer Tools in AWS

This blog is a part of my journey “Embarking on the AWS Solution Architect Associate SAA-CO3 Certification Journey” In AWS, there are several data transfer tools and services available to help you move, migrate, and transfer data between different AWS resources, regions, and even between AWS and on-premises environments. These tools are designed to facilitate efficient,…


Databases and Data Analytics in AWS

This blog is a part of my journey “Embarking on the AWS Solution Architect Associate SAA-CO3 Certification Journey” Databases Choosing the Right Database We have a lot of managed databases on AWS to choose from Questions to choose the right database based on your architecture: Read-heavy, write-heavy, or balanced workload? Throughput needs? Will it change, does…


AWS Route53

This blog is a part of my journey “Embarking on the AWS Solution Architect Associate SAA-CO3 Certification Journey” What is DNS? Domain Name System which translates the human friendly hostnames into the machine IP addresses. DNS is the backbone of the Internet DNS uses hierarchical naming structure DNS Terminologies Domain Registrar : Amazon Route 53, GoDaddy…


CloudFront and Global Accelerator

This blog is a part of my journey “Embarking on the AWS Solution Architect Associate SAA-CO3 Certification Journey” Table of Content Amazon CloudFront Amazon CloudFront Log – Origins S3 bucket Custom Origin (HTTP) ALB or EC2 as an origin CloudFront vs S3 Cross Region Replication CloudFront Geo Restriction CloudFront – Pricing Cache Invalidations AWS Global Accelerator…


AWS Monitoring, Audit and Performance

This blog is a part of my journey “Embarking on the AWS Solution Architect Associate SAA-CO3 Certification Journey” Table of Content Amazon CloudWatch Metrics CloudWatch Metric Streams CloudWatch Logs CloudWatch Logs Insights CloudWatch Logs – S3 Export CloudWatch Logs Subscriptions CloudWatch Logs for EC2 CloudWatch Logs Agent & Unified Agent CloudWatch Alarms CloudWatch Alarms – Composite…


Summary AWS Security and Encryption

This blog is a part of my journey “Embarking on the AWS Solution Architect Associate SAA-CO3 Certification Journey” Table of Content Types of Encryption Encryption in flight Server side encryption at rest Client side encryption AWS KMS KMS Key Policies Copying Encrypted Snapshots across accounts KMS Multi-Region Keys SSM Parameter Store Standard and advanced parameter tiers…


A Quick Overview of AWS VPC

This blog is a part of my journey “Embarking on the AWS Solution Architect Associate SAA-CO3 Certification Journey” This diagram has all the components that are currently belongs to AWS VPC. If you are able to understand the diagram and know what each components does, congratulations you are well prepared for the AWS Solution Architect Exam…

Amazon S3

Amazon S3

This blog is a part of my journey “Embarking on the AWS Solution Architect Associate SAA-CO3 Certification Journey” Table of Content Introduction Buckets Objects Security User Policy S3 Bucket Policies Object Access Control List Bucket Access Control List Scenarios in Policy Assignment. Static Website S3 versioning S3 Replication S3 Storage Class S3 Durability S3 availability General…