
A Guide to Linux Help Commands

Linux, with its powerful command-line interface, empowers users with a myriad of tools and utilities. Understanding how to navigate this vast ecosystem is crucial for efficient and effective system management. In this blog, we will explore key commands that provide invaluable help and documentation, namely whatis, man, –help, and apropos. 1. whatis – Unveiling the…


What these $ and # symbol means in command line

The Linux terminal, with its command-line interface, is a powerful tool that offers users unparalleled control over their systems. As you navigate the terminal, you’ll encounter a variety of symbols in the prompt, each conveying important information about your current environment and permissions. In this blog, we’ll delve into the significance of these symbols and…


TIL – Understanding the ‘pipefail’ Option in Bash

In Bash, the ‘pipefail’ option is a powerful tool for controlling pipeline behavior. It helps ensure that pipelines provide accurate error handling and exit statuses. In this guide, we’ll explore ‘pipefail,’ its importance, and practical examples of its usage. What is ‘pipefail’? In Bash, pipelines usually return the exit status of the last command in…


A Comprehensive Guide to the Linux ‘set’ Command

The ‘set’ command is used to modify shell options and positional parameters. These options influence the behavior of the shell, affecting how it interprets and executes commands. When you use the ‘set’ command, it can change various aspects of your shell environment. This includes toggling options, managing positional parameters, and customizing the shell’s behavior. Basic…


TIL: What are Alpine Images in Docker

As a seasoned Docker user, you’ve likely come across the term “Alpine” when exploring base images for your containers. Perhaps you’ve even used Alpine Linux-based images without fully grasping their significance. Today, we delve into the world of Alpine Linux images in Docker, shedding light on their unique characteristics and why they are favored by…


How to use SSH public key authentication

One of the ways to access a remote server is using a ssh with password and another cool way is to use public-key authentication where you don’t need to type a password along with that we store necessary details in ~/.ssh/config so that with minimal keystroke we will be able to access the remote server….