Case Classes In Scala

Case Classes in Scala

Scala is a powerful and expressive programming language known for its conciseness and functional programming capabilities. One of its key features is the case class, a concept that can make your code more readable and maintainable, especially when dealing with immutable data. In this beginner-friendly guide, we’ll explore what case classes are, how to define…


Integrating SLF4J with Logback in Micronaut

Logging is a critical aspect of any application’s development and maintenance. It provides invaluable insights into the behavior of your software, helping you identify issues, track performance, and ensure everything is running smoothly. In the Micronaut framework, integrating logging is a breeze, thanks to its seamless support for the Simple Logging Facade for Java (SLF4J)….

Option In Scala

Option in Scala

In Scala, Option is a container type that represents the presence or absence of a value. It’s a way to handle potentially missing or nullable values in a more type-safe and functional manner. The primary motivation behind Option is to help eliminate null pointer exceptions, which are a common source of errors in many programming…


Auto Scaling Group for EC2

This blog is a part of my journey “Embarking on the AWS Solution Architect Associate SAA-CO3 Certification Journey” Introduction In today’s cloud-centric world, infrastructure needs can change rapidly. The ability to seamlessly scale your application resources up or down to meet demand is crucial for maintaining optimal performance and cost efficiency. This is where AWS Auto…


62. Unique Paths

Problem Statement There is a robot on an m x n grid. The robot is initially located at the top-left corner (i.e., grid[0][0]). The robot tries to move to the bottom-right corner (i.e., grid[m – 1][n – 1]). The robot can only move either down or right at any point in time. Given the two integers m and n, return the number of possible unique paths that…


Creating a RESTful API in Micronaut

Micronaut is a popular framework for building lightweight and efficient microservices and serverless applications in Java, Kotlin, and Groovy. In this blog post, we will walk you through the process of creating a RESTful API using Micronaut. We’ll cover how to handle path variables, query parameters, request bodies, and combinations of these in your Micronaut…


Installing Python 2 on macOS Using Pyenv

Python 2 may be considered outdated, but there are still scenarios where you need it. If you’re a macOS user, here’s a straightforward guide to help you install Python 2 using Pyenv, a powerful Python version management tool. Before we begin, ensure you have Homebrew (brew) installed, as it simplifies the process. Prerequisite: Homebrew (brew)…


Managing Dependencies in Scala: Writing Dependencies.scala

Managing dependencies is a crucial aspect of any Scala project. In this blog, we’ll explore a useful technique for managing dependencies by creating a separate Scala file called Dependencies.scala. This approach enhances code readability, maintainability, and allows for better organization of your project’s dependencies. Why Separate Dependencies? In typical Scala projects, dependencies are declared directly…


Understanding List Operators in Scala: ::: vs. ::

When working with lists in Scala, you’ll often encounter the ::: and :: operators. These operators are essential for list manipulation, but they serve different purposes. In this blog, we’ll explore these operators, their use cases, and how they impact your Scala code. ::: Operator The ::: operator is used for list concatenation. It combines…
