
SOLID principles in C#

Have you encountered a codebase where a single class/module doing so many things and any small change in a module breaks another and you think to yourself how this happened, if only you knew how to prevent this in the first place? Or a case when a senior developer reviews your PR and says move…


Polymorphism in Java

Just revisiting and explaining myself Polymorphism concept here through a blog post. The words Polymorphism means multiple forms. In Java ,Polymorphism means multiple forms of an object. We shall divide this article into 3 sections. 1.Syntax 2.Calling a variable polymorphically. 3.Calling a method polymorphically. 1.Syntax Now in polymorphism in Java, the thumb key rule to…


Constructors in Java

Constructors are used every time to initialize instance variables. There are some additional rules associated with constructors that are often asked in interviews.Hence revising those here through a blog post. 1.A constructor is used to initialize instance variables. 2.When an object of an class is created,JVM goes to the class and searches for that matching…


with_options in rails

I have recently encountered this method, which saved my time and helped me follow the DRY principle Use case: Consider a scenario, you have a list of trains and you have to apply filters on like depature_time, arrival_time, train_number, arrival_station, depature_station, number of coaches, etc. For that, you have to write interaction. The input will…


Configuring Debugger for Jruby in vscode

Recently, I configured a debugger for my jruby application on VScode. I have spent almost 1 day on this and few posts discuss this issue. My jruby version is so I can guarantee the following steps definitely will work for this version. Step 1: Install debug related gems Step 2: Configuring launch.json Create a…


How Recycler view works in android

I recently did a mini-project Quote app, I used listview for that. The project started consuming lots of memory and CPU whenever I scroll through the quotes. After reading few articles and watching videos. I realized there is a better way to show a list in android, which is Recycler View. In this post, we…
